About Me

Erik Reiblein

I am an internationally experienced UX designer who has worked on a wide variety of products since 2015. My approach to UX design involves probing for design pattern inconsistencies while looking for new opportunities to improve designs based on user feedback.

When ideating new designs or auditing existing ones, some of my responsibilities include: ensuring that an interface design possesses a functional and intuitive hierarchy, auditing for design pattern inconsistincies, and communicating with developers to ensure an accurate and smooth transition from prototype to code. After assisting several startups with the UX design for their products from 2015 to 2019, I was hired by ClassLink in 2020 to lead their UX design team.

Since then I have directed and mentored a team that now includes 5 UX designers. ClassLink develops software used by schools across the country to manage student accounts and app subscriptions. With many products available in our software suite, the overall company is split into many different teams each of which one of our UX designers is assigned to. My role, aside from traditional UX and prototyping work, is to review the designs coming from each team, and look for opportunities to apply better consistency across the overall suite.

Outside of my main discipline, I am also an avid tinkerer with experience designing in CAD programs such as Solidworks, Rhino, and Fusion360. I have built a variety of advanced electronic DIY projects, such as quadcopters, ebikes, and e-skateboards, many of which I have also designed and 3D printed enclosures for.


Nielsen Norman Group logo

Certificate in User Experience

Nielsen Norman Group

Issued: Dec 2023ID: 1078816
Coursera logo

Google UX Design Specialization


Issued: May 2023ID: U8WKXRYZ4XDU
Dassault Systèmes logo

Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional

Dassault Systèmes

Issued: Feb 2019ID: C-5F9R3PN82R
Dassault Systèmes logo

Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate

Dassault Systèmes

Issued: Nov 2018ID: C-BNWYVBN5SS

Work Experience

📄 View PDF Resume
08/2023 – Present

Head of Product Design FusionAds.AI

I lead design for FusionAds, a new product that aims to provide small business owners with a full-service marketing team through AI.

Besides user research, wireframing, and prototyping, I also provide motion graphics, website design, customser support, and marketing strategy for Fusion.
01/2020 – Present

Head of Product Design ClassLink

I lead the UX design team at ClassLink, an edtech company whose product suite is used by millions of students, teachers and school administrators every day.

In addition to helping product owners reinvent and streamline key features, I also direct and assist our team of UX designers, ensuring consistent design patterning across our many products.
05/2018 – Present

Freelance Designer Reiblein Design Consultancy

Developed projects for individuals and design companies across a variety of fields, including UX, web, and app design, as well as brand positioning and product rendering.

06/2017 – 04/2018

UX Designer Lazada Express

I helped prototype and build the interfaces for the Lazada Group's new same-day delivery service, EXPRESS, including separate app designs for the drivers, in-store shoppers, and end-users.

I also assisted with the brand positioning and graphic design for EXPRESS promotion. Lazada is a part of the Alibaba Group.
06/2017 – 08/2017

Instructor + Curriculum Director CodeREV Kids

CodeREV Kids is a chain of Summer camps based in California with a focus on educating young people through code and technology.

I helped handle their 2017 Nantucket expansion by organizing and teaching a curriculum which incorporated manufacturing principles, Java programming, 3D printing, CAD modeling software, web design, and many other advanced concepts.
05/2016 – 11/2016

Web Designer Terradiol

Terradiol is an emerging Bio-pharmaceutical company operating in Syracuse. They are promoting alternative cannabinoid healthcare in several states across the US.

I worked closely with the company CEO to establish a site design that incorporated both the company's aesthetic and the features necessary to communicate with partners.
06/2015 – 08/2015

Graphic Web Designer MSLK

MSLK is a small design firm in Long Island City. While interning there, one of the company heads, Sheri Koetting, had become a more active speaker around New York.

I designed and executed a promotional site that would exhibit her brand as well as easily allow her to communicate schedule times.
05/2015 - 06/2015

Brand Designer Graj + Gustavsen

Worked at G+G to help with brand positioning services. Researched client backgrounds and participated in brainstorming meetings.

Also helped curate photos for the A.T. Cross Company's X campaign.
01/2015 – 04/2015

Interface Designer DINEIN.CO.UK

DINEIN was a food delivery service operating in London. They provided drivers to restaurants who wanted to deliver around the city, along with a web interface used by customers to place orders.

I worked directly the company CEO and assisted with a website redesign, which streamlined user interactions with the site and improved responsiveness. Also helped finalize user interface for ordering food through Pizza Express' delivery service.
06/2012 – 08/2012

Work Study Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts

Was selected to participate in work study program at the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts.

Took four weeks of woodturning and bamboo classes in exchange for four weeks of kitchen and housekeeping work.